Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How Firm A Foundation

My brother Wynne, wife Charity, and their kids, Thomas and Chloe had a very exciting Monday! They watched men with cranes and special equipment piece their brand new home together. By the end of the day, 4 pieces became one on a solid foundation. I wasn’t physical there but through cell phone photos, I was updated throughout the day with pictures of the event. Such a cool and awesome experience for them all! I am so excited for my brother’s family and I look forward to seeing them all in their brand new home in a few months!

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do Not Worry, God is in Control

It’s funny how we take our health for granted until something shows up from a doctor’s visit we totally didn’t expect. The doctor wants to runs some test just to double check, then our worry mode kicks in. We try not to worry because the bible tells us not to, but human nature takes over and we do it anyway. We tend to stress out for days and even weeks until we hear back from our results. We pray and ask God to get us through this waiting time and we try to push it out of our minds but our bodies still feel the pressure and stress. Our bodies react by elevated blood pressure, eating unhealthy or not at all, and getting little or no sleep. It’s amazing how our entire body is affected by what takes place in our minds.

After all the waiting we finally get the call and everything is ok….thank God! We go on with our daily lives as if nothing ever happened, or do we? I guess it all depends on each individual and where they are in their relationship with Christ. If you are continuously growing in your walk like me, you still worry from time to time. But deep down, you still trust God to get you through tough times and you remember His grace is sufficient. You keep believing and trusting in Him every day in all things. After every struggle, you do start to recognize all the little things in life even more because God allowed you to be ok. Also you keep seeing how God wants you slow down and recognize His power and control and you won’t worry as much the next time around.

So today I got great news from my doctor. I’m going to be just fine. BUT I thank and praise God once again for His mercy, grace, and most of all His love!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Paw-Paw(Dad) took Thomas and Chloe(nephew&niece) fishing about a month ago up the road back home. This is one of my favorite pictures of them even though you can't see thier adorable smiling faces. This picture remindes me of how simple life can be when we don't try and makes things so complicated and busy!
Its Father's Day weekend and I want to wish all the fathers out there a special day! You are an intricate part of family, and may each of you feel blessed and honored this weekend by your loved ones.
I love you Dad!!
Kim ;-)