Thursday, June 27, 2019

The dictionary says that a realist is a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.  I have always been an optimistic realist, believing that accepting whatever the outcome in a positive manner was the best way to approach life. 
I've decided that I'm no longer a realist. I do not accept the outcome to just be as it may from a normal human perspective. Today I will proclaim that I am a MIRACULIST, and yes it is a word and what I truly believe!  Our limited perspective is not all there is, it is not final.  Anything that happens out of the norm is not a rare coincidence or a lucky break. It is a MIRACLE from God! 
Thank you LORD JESUS for opening my mind and spirit to your truth and your ways! I can not even begin to understand, so I will just accept what you plan to do in my life and in all those around me. I believe and expect to see your miracles daily! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Blogger back!

I used to love to write down my thoughts but now all I seem to do is think. Think about what I am doing wrong, what I'm not doing right, and not doing that much to change. But yet I think about what I do need to do in order to change. I think we all tend to think too much and act less. Oh to be at a place in time where you never had time to think but to only work hard to survive and provide for your family. But, I do that now in a totally different way, but with the addition of THINKING TOO MUCH!
Heavenly Father, consume me! Take away all the worlds distractions and the devils tactics to consume my mind, and replace it with You! -In Jesus Name, Amen