Thursday, June 27, 2019

The dictionary says that a realist is a person who accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.  I have always been an optimistic realist, believing that accepting whatever the outcome in a positive manner was the best way to approach life. 
I've decided that I'm no longer a realist. I do not accept the outcome to just be as it may from a normal human perspective. Today I will proclaim that I am a MIRACULIST, and yes it is a word and what I truly believe!  Our limited perspective is not all there is, it is not final.  Anything that happens out of the norm is not a rare coincidence or a lucky break. It is a MIRACLE from God! 
Thank you LORD JESUS for opening my mind and spirit to your truth and your ways! I can not even begin to understand, so I will just accept what you plan to do in my life and in all those around me. I believe and expect to see your miracles daily! 

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