Friday, July 23, 2010

Snail Mail

I was reminded today about how excited I used to get when I had mail in my mailbox in college back in the day. LOL…yeah back in the day when there was no email and definitely no texting. Heck, no cell phones barely existed yet! My dad had a mobile phone in a huge black bag he let me carry sometimes when I’d drive 3 hours back to college to Greenville, NC. I never used it! Never felt I needed to. Today I freak out if I leave my cell phone at the house just to run and get gas up the road. I’m afraid I’ll miss something…good grief!

But as a freshman in college, the highlights of the week was of course Thursday nights and the weekend, but it was always checking my mailbox every day in hopes of having a letter waiting for me. Even if it was just from my parents that was still good, but if it was from a friend that was at school elsewhere or from a friend in the military that was way cooler! Just picking up the phone back then (btw-this was 89’-94’) was not feasible. It was so expensive to chat long distance to friends so writing hand written letters was the next best thing. And I can’t leave out the wonderful care packages. They were the best treat! I didn’t get but maybe one or two the whole time in college but still, that was the ultimate surprise! And yes there always seemed to be that one girl on every hall that received a care package at least once a week from either her mom or boyfriend filled with food, toiletries, pictures, love letters, money!! I bet she is still spoiled rotten! LOL

Today I go to my mailbox and all I see is bills, bills, and more bills….Oh and let’s not forget countless flyers and junk mail that should have been band years ago! Of course I still get birthday cards in my mailbox but not as many as I used to, just from close family. All my other relatives and friends either send me an e-card or text me now for my birthday. That’s still ok, and I really appreciate them thinking of me, but it’s still not the same. I also receive thank you or thinking of you cards in the mail sometimes. Those are the best. It warms my heart to know that someone took the time to sit down, write their thoughts on paper, get a stamp, and walk to their mailbox or post office and mail a card to me. Taking this time for someone else, even if it is just for 5-10 minutes really does make an impression on you, great or small.

Today we live in a world that’s all about ‘instant gratification’. Everything is convenient, accessible, and easy. It has its good and bad points. I’ve been able to reconnect with many high school and college friends that I’ve lost contact with for so many years via the internet. That’s a good thing. Now we can keep in touch daily if we want without ever actually having to speak to one other through instant messages, texts, emails, voicemails, checking out each other’s status on Facebook, MySpace, Blogspot, or following their every move on Twitter (which I refuse to do btw!). And if we do feel like talking, most everyone has cell phones with free long distance! How cool is that! I would have loved free long distance in college. I used to have some really ugly phone bills!!

But with all the portals we can use to ‘connect’ with one another, one is slowly fading away…hand written letters. I’ve heard that someday soon we may not even have the US Postal Service anymore. That makes me sad. There are still so many people that need this service even though it is the slower alternative. If this does in fact happen, then mailing hand written letters will become obsolete. I think I am going to go write some letters this weekend. Maybe it will be more of a blessing for me than whomever I decide to write to. Maybe if anyone reads this blog, you’ll feel inspired to write one too. Don’t forget the stamps!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tootsie Roll

Something happened to me yesterday that I never thought would….I ate one midget size Tootsie Roll and didn’t desire to eat another. It was amazing! You know that Doritos commercial where they say, ‘You can’t eat just one’, well that’s always been me with Tootsie Rolls, Peanut M&M’s, Popcorn Jelly Bellys, Hot Tamale Candy, and Goetz Caramel Creams…just to name a few. Those are my favorites anyway.

So how did this happen? Well let me just say that change can occur in our lives if we are willing to let it happen. I’ve been trying to change my way of eating for years! Heck, my whole adult life! Most people that know me well know that I’ve always struggled with my weight. I’ve tried all kinds of diets like most overweight people, lost the weight, gained the weight back, then I stopped dieting and focused on just a healthy life change of smart eating and daily activity/exercise, but then life would take over, mess that up, and I was back starting over again for the umpteenth time. And of course, I’m older now, pushing 40! But I’ve got a good 6 months before I die and keel over. Anywho, the older I get, I’ve noticed that my body does not respond to losing weight in ways that have worked for me in the past. That has left me to trying new things once again.

Well this time, I’ve taken all my compiled and current knowledge of health, nutrition, and exercise and worked out my own little plan. I figured the best approach for me would be to take things in baby steps. Take away things in my usual regimen that’s bad for me one at a time. So along with eating healthier and staying consistent in the gym, my first one thing I decided to completely take away from myself was Diet Cherry Pepsi. This has become my addiction, drug, fix, you name it, it’s what I’ve become dependent on first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Crazy huh?! Well I’m sure I’m not the only one that likes this stuff! It tastes awesome and the caffeine, well enough said! But really, it’s all bad. Filled with fake stuff with no nutritional value. Yes it is calorie free, but the artificial sweetener still triggers the brain to crave sweets and carbs. Not good! Besides I read one time that people use diet soda to clean rust off cars. Hmmm….I’m not a car!

So my baby step approach was this, no Diet Cherry Pepsi until I reach my first goal, 10 pounds lost! Once I reach this first goal, then I would reward myself with one 20 oz bottle of the good stuff! Then begin the next 10 pound loss and reward myself again with just one. Well I started this strategy over 2.5 weeks ago. So far so good. I’ve had no diet drinks and I have lost 5 pounds. So I am 5 pounds away from my reward guzzle. But after yesterday with my Tootsie Roll incident, I wonder if I’m going to be able to drink that whole 20 oz bottle?

I’ve not had many sweets at all during this time, mainly fruits and yogurt, and I did try some homemade blackberry cobbler two Sundays ago my mom made. Yummy! So I know that my body is changing with the elimination of Diet Cherry Pepsi and other sweet stuff. But I tell ya, not to grab a second Tootsie Roll was mind boggling. It was an awesome thing for me. It affirmed to me that my plan is working. Plus I didn’t succumb to grabbing another one just because it was there. I refrained from an old habit and just walked away! Change is awesome!!

So now I think I may change my reward. Instead of having that Diet Cherry Pepsi at the 10 pound loss mark, I may just burry one in the backyard with a note of the date of when I had it last. Then I’ll decide what to eliminate next and then burry that in the backyard. Better go buy me a shovel! LOL

Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands. –Clint Eastwood

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How Firm A Foundation

My brother Wynne, wife Charity, and their kids, Thomas and Chloe had a very exciting Monday! They watched men with cranes and special equipment piece their brand new home together. By the end of the day, 4 pieces became one on a solid foundation. I wasn’t physical there but through cell phone photos, I was updated throughout the day with pictures of the event. Such a cool and awesome experience for them all! I am so excited for my brother’s family and I look forward to seeing them all in their brand new home in a few months!

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do Not Worry, God is in Control

It’s funny how we take our health for granted until something shows up from a doctor’s visit we totally didn’t expect. The doctor wants to runs some test just to double check, then our worry mode kicks in. We try not to worry because the bible tells us not to, but human nature takes over and we do it anyway. We tend to stress out for days and even weeks until we hear back from our results. We pray and ask God to get us through this waiting time and we try to push it out of our minds but our bodies still feel the pressure and stress. Our bodies react by elevated blood pressure, eating unhealthy or not at all, and getting little or no sleep. It’s amazing how our entire body is affected by what takes place in our minds.

After all the waiting we finally get the call and everything is ok….thank God! We go on with our daily lives as if nothing ever happened, or do we? I guess it all depends on each individual and where they are in their relationship with Christ. If you are continuously growing in your walk like me, you still worry from time to time. But deep down, you still trust God to get you through tough times and you remember His grace is sufficient. You keep believing and trusting in Him every day in all things. After every struggle, you do start to recognize all the little things in life even more because God allowed you to be ok. Also you keep seeing how God wants you slow down and recognize His power and control and you won’t worry as much the next time around.

So today I got great news from my doctor. I’m going to be just fine. BUT I thank and praise God once again for His mercy, grace, and most of all His love!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Paw-Paw(Dad) took Thomas and Chloe(nephew&niece) fishing about a month ago up the road back home. This is one of my favorite pictures of them even though you can't see thier adorable smiling faces. This picture remindes me of how simple life can be when we don't try and makes things so complicated and busy!
Its Father's Day weekend and I want to wish all the fathers out there a special day! You are an intricate part of family, and may each of you feel blessed and honored this weekend by your loved ones.
I love you Dad!!
Kim ;-)