Thursday, March 28, 2013

Night Sounds

I'm blogging from my IPhone. This is a first. :-) Well I am officially on Easter vacation. No work tomorrow and looking forward to a nice weekend ending with Easter service with family and friends at church early Sunday morning.

So as I sit here relaxing with my cat Buddy nuzzled at my side, I take in the night sounds. The meows of my other cat Jasper exploring through the house, the soft lull of the tv, and my most fav, the spontaneous blows of the train whistles and vibration of its passing.

Even though I live 'in town' the train gives me a sense of still being out in the country. Yeah not sure how to explain that but it just does. I'm sure most people get annoyed by the train or they just ignore and never really hear it. Well a day doesn't go by where I don't stop and listen. It just makes me smile every time. Oh the little things...

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